General dentistry Shepparton

shepparton dentist
From Simple to Complex Dental Care

With a commitment to keeping your dental care in one convenient location, Dr. Kedar Samant offers a wide range of dental treatments, ranging from simple to complex procedures so you don’t have to be referred elsewhere for treatment or travel to Melbourne.

For routine oral health maintenance, we offer thorough check-ups and professional cleanings to keep your oral health in top condition. Should the need arise, our gentle approach to tooth extractions ensures a comfortable experience.

When it comes to more intricate treatments, Dr. Kedar’s nearly 30 years of experience tackling a multitude of dental situations shines through. From comprehensive, exceptional quality root canal treatments for saving damaged teeth to dental implants for a permanent tooth replacement solution, the advanced techniques and precision ensure successful outcomes.

With our commitment to providing a comprehensive range of dental services, you can trust us to handle all your dental needs efficiently and effectively, ensuring a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile for life.

After-Hours Dentist Shepparton

The need for dental care such as toothache can arise at any time of day and that’s why we have adopted the motto that “no one in Shepparton should go to sleep with tooth pain”. We offer after-hours dental care, call or sms before 6 pm and we’ll get you in the same day for after hours dental care if you’re experiencing a dental emergency.

General Dentistry Services

Check-up and clean
The power of regular dental check-up and clean services are often overlooked in our busy lives. However, it’s important to attend regular check-ups to keep your oral health and by extension your overall well-being optimal. It’s also important particularly because it allows us to identify and fix any potential problems early before they become a significant and costly problem for you. By attending a check-up and cleaning service, Dr. Kedar Samant, ensures your oral health is in excellent hands.

Tooth Fillings
Discover seamless and durable tooth fillings with Dr. Kedar Samant. Dr. Kedar provides precise and comfortable fillings utilising modern materials and techniques to restore damaged or decayed teeth with ease. The fillings seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth, providing you with a smile that looks natural. Say goodbye to dental discomfort and embrace a cavity-free future with Dr. Kedar’s tooth filling services.

Root Canal Treatments
With almost 30 years of experience in providing root canal treatments, by booking an appointment, you can unlock the exceptional skill of Dr. Kedar Samant in all kinds of comprehensive root canal treatments. From simple to complex cases, trust in his skillful hands to save your natural teeth and restore your dental health. Experience the peak of root canal treatments with Dr. Kedar, ensuring a comfortable procedure and successful outcome.

Crowns and Bridges
Crowns and bridges are excellent restorative dental treatments that can address a variety of dental issues. With crowns you can protect and strengthen damaged teeth and improve the appearance of your smile, and with bridges you can replace missing teeth to restore dental function and aesthetics. These treatments offer durable solutions to improve your oral health and enhance your smile.

Children’s Dentistry
Dr. Kedar Samant understands that children have their own unique needs when it comes to dentistry. That is why he makes sure to provide an environment that caters to the comfort of children ensuring they can have anxiety-free, positive experiences at the dentist for a range of services including regular check-ups to preventative treatments.We also accept the CDBS so you can get affordable dental care for your child.

It is recommended that children should have their first dental visit by the age of one or within six months after their first tooth erupts. Early dental visits help establish good oral health habits and allow your dentist to monitor the child’s dental development from an early age.

Yes! Dr. Kedar Samant accepts CDBS allowing your child between 0-17 to cover up to $1095 over 2 calendar years for basic dental services. Contact us to see if your child is eligible for the no-gap dental treatment.

Root canal procedures are typically not painful, as they are performed under local sedatives such as laughing gas to numb the area around the affected tooth. Dr. Kedar Samant is exceptionally experienced with root canal treatments and provides a wide variety of such treatments. He ensures that you don’t feel any discomfort during the treatment and gives you the necessary information and care after the procedure to manage the mild discomfort that may come afterwards.

Root canal treatment is required when the dental pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed. The dental pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, and when it gets damaged due to deep decay, cracks, chips, or trauma, it can lead to infection and severe pain.

If you notice a persistent or severe toothache, tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, tenderness or swelling in the gums near the affected tooth, discolouration or darkening of the tooth, presence of a pimple like bump on the gum near the tooth or pain/discomfort when biting or chewing, it’s essential you visit your dentist as soon as you are able to.

Early intervention with root canal treatment can save the infected tooth, prevent further complications, and alleviate pain and discomfort. Delaying treatment may lead to the spread of infection and the need for more extensive dental procedures, such as tooth extraction or dental implants.

Yes! We are preferred providers for BUPA, HCF, and CBHS. Additionally, we accept all major health funds under HICAPS.

shepparton dentist
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